diablo iii – Clark Illustrations – Art Portfolio

Clark Illustrations - Art Portfolio

© Chris Clark - Characters, Games, Animation, Illustration, Design

Tag: diablo iii

Diablo 3 Quit

Yea I pretty much quit D3.  There’s just no end-game without too much time invested, and still no PvP, so the game is just getting redundant.  I don’t need it anyways, on to more artwork.  I am heavily invested in the Miscrits entire process of art creation at the moment and I will also be

Sorry about the long absense, Diablo 3 happened…

Yea I am still alive and creating artwork, but also playing way too much Diablo.  Eventually soon I will stop… I WILL DAMMIT!  won’t I?  …of course I will, yes…  Anyways, I am still doing work for Miscrits, and I also have a new piece I did recently of my slightly unorthodox take on Jesus and one of