Soon my pretty’s… – Clark Illustrations – Art Portfolio

Clark Illustrations - Art Portfolio

© Chris Clark - Characters, Games, Animation, Illustration, Design

Soon my pretty’s…

*while stroking a furry…cat*  Yesss…sooon I will post a plethora of stuff so EEEVIL you will be unable to look away from the pure HORROR!

dun Dun DUUUN!!!

No seriously though, SCHOOOLS (almost) OUT FOR SUMMA!  (that’s summer for those of you that aint gangsta enuff)

After May 1st I will start posting way more stuffies.  There will be some Miscrits art as the new zones are released, concepts and sketches that never made it into the game, some personal fine art that I’ve created over the years (not fine as in” sexay,” fine as in “non-digital”), my 3D Maya final project I’ve been working on for the past couple months, and last but not least I will eventually release concept art for a Graphic Novel I’ve been working on and possibly ask for feedback as well.

I want to start doing some sort of contests again too like I’ve done in the past many moons ago…if I have the time with all this other junk I want to do…but I NEED FEEDBACK to know if people are interested.  If I don’t get enough interest, it just won’t be worth my time, so please COMMENT on here, or Deviant Art, or send a message through Facebook or Twitter, or whatever the hell you want to do.  I just need to know that people out there care.  Anyways, have a great time until next time…

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