clarkillustrations – Clark Illustrations – Art Portfolio

Clark Illustrations - Art Portfolio

© Chris Clark - Characters, Games, Animation, Illustration, Design

Tag: clarkillustrations

#Sketchbook #Sketches #Sketching #LifeDrawing #Drawing #ChangingHands #DrinkNDraw

Drink N Draw at Changing Hands bookstore.  1.5hrs of blissful buzz and doodlin  

#Comics #indieComics #ink #indie #Art #IndieInk #Wizard #Tower #fantasy #fantasyArt

1st page illustration for a comic I’ve been working on.  Wizard Tower.  Waddya think?  Does it set the mood & draw you in?  He doesn’t like visitors much…

Merry Christmas #Present #gift #sketch #sketchbook #Drawing #bikers #orcs

A Christmas drawing I did for my Dad & Mom!  Merry Christmas!

#dayafterchristmas #art #illustration #photoshop #Potter #Hippo #Present #HippoPotter #Dumbledore #fanart

Twas the day after Christmas, and from coast to coast, many creatures were stirring, but most won’t see this post 😛 Every year I make a present of Hippo Potter for my wife, she is after all my love and my life (I don’t mean to boast!) A new Hippo from Potter,  Dumbledore adds to his pensieve, while Fawkes the Phoenix

#LifeDrawing #Drawing #Art #Sketchbook #Sketch #Nude #Nudes #Hipbonestudio #Woman #Graphite #Pencil #Draw #Sketches

1st December Life Drawing sesh @ Hipbone studio in Portland…God I love that Palamino Black Wing pencil, sooo smooth…she will be missed, sadly she passed away during this drawing:

#Ink #Bernie #Art #Caricature #BernieSanders #Hindsight2020 #FeeltheBern #BernieBot #Robots #Scifi

BernieBot says:  “Hindsight 20/20”

#Comic #Cover #Art #Manga #Studio #Photoshop

I’ve been playing around with some story ideas and character concpets, and I especially like this one.  I’m not sold on the style yet, sometimes you have to complete something to realize it’s not what you want…the good news is the new sketches I’ve been coming up with are better!  More dynamic…  Gotta keep pushin

Maybe She’s Born With it, Maybe it’s MUTATIONS! #Ink #art #Sketchbook #Ridiculous #Weird #Gross #Mutants

“Maybe She’s Born With it, Maybe it’s MUTATIONS!” Playing around with some new pens & markers, this was with a Faber Castelle PITT artist pen.  It’s almost the same as japanese art pens, but this one doesn’t smear 🙂

#CarliBomb #Sketch #Sketchbook #Anime #Cartoon #Manga #Character #Gift #Present

A present for a girl I’ve seen grow up from 3 to 14 years old now.  She deserves a cool cartoonized version of herself with a giant weapon! I just need to ink this for Inktober before October is over… Chris Clark illustrations @

#Treefrog #Inktober #Ink #Art #Sketchbook #drawing #tree #frog #funwithlines

Tree-Frog.  Inktober, having fun with lines 🙂