Figure – Clark Illustrations – Art Portfolio

Clark Illustrations - Art Portfolio

© Chris Clark - Characters, Games, Animation, Illustration, Design

Tag: Figure

#LifeDrawing #FigureDrawing #Sketchbook #Nude #Girls #Drawing #Sketch #Hipbonestudio #art #nudes #sketches #drawings #girl #woman #lady #nudity #figure #naked #graphite #pencil #clarkillustrations

Life Drawing process #Hipbonestudio #Lifedrawing #Figuredrawing #Drawings #Sketches #Nude #Nudes #Sketch #Drawing

So I thought I’d air my dirty laundry a bit & let y’all see the progression of my figure drawing practice with Pavel here.  It is practice after all, and I definitely feel my first few drawings are usually bleh until things “tighten” up.